Saturday, August 23, 2008

When collector meets eBay

Yeah there it was.....eBay. It looked very interesting so I typed in!!! There were two whole pages of Barbie dolls. So I tried another word.......dollhouse. Three dollhouses appeared and lo and behold one of them was my childhood house. OK that was it, I bid and I got it. So eBay started me off on another passion. As time went by, eBay became a collector's way of life. In the beginning there were no snipers, no scammers. It was just good old, buy it and sell it. The first things I ever bought on eBay was a Barbie called Soda Fountain Sweetheart. Now several thousand dolls and numerous dollhouses later, I still go to eBay to look for rarities, but I don't buy as much as I did in those beginning years. eBay has become a bit of a nightmare with all their rules and regulations and then there's the snipers and the scammers to contend with now. I'll admit it, I've had to become a sniper. If you really want something you have to snipe these days. I've even resorted to eSnipe as you can't snipe fast enough it seems and still I get outbid on a lot of items that I really, really want!!!
Recently I set up a site for people wanting to buy and sell dolls and doll related items without the eBay hassle. We are taking a break for the summer. Check it out, you might like it.

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